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Bio-Rad Protein Purification webinar!

23.09.2021 -10:00 - 11:30

Bio-Rad is hosting a webinar about protein purification. Webinar is built around the new GelDocGo equipment and also addresses chromatography consumables such as Stain free gels and columns. Read more about the agenda below and register via the green link!


Time: Thursday Sep 23rd at 10am to 11.15am
Subject: Automated Multistep Protein Purification & Fraction Purity Check In 20 Minutes With StainFree Gels
Speakers: Dr Jonathan Popplewell, NGC Field Application Specialist
Ari Jouppila, Product Specialist Imaging and Chromatography

  • Short introduction to NGC chromatography systems
  • Automated multistep protein purification
  • Fraction purity check in 20 minutes with StainFree gels
  • Microscale protein purification
  • New prepacked columns for all protein purification systems
  • SEC analysis with NGC system and MALS detector


[btn text=”Register here!” tcolor=#FFF bcolor=#008000 thovercolor=#FFF link=”” target=”_self”]



10:00 - 11:30

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