In the last days of 2013, I became the CEO of City-Lab. The company has been a part of my life already for 14 years: I first visited the City-Lab in Biomedicum as a researcher. I obtained my PhD in 2006 from the Faculty of Medicine in the University of Helsinki, after which I worked as a Product Manager at the then-partner of City-Lab, Finnzymes Ltd, and later at Fisher Scientific Ltd.
City-Lab’s business idea has not changed from the original, although we naturally want to adapt to the changing world around us and keep up with the development. We have opened new shops in recent years: at Aapistie in Oulu in spring 2015 and at Snellmania in Kuopio in November 2016. You can now find us in all the campuses of Finnish universities where biosciences are taught. We already collaborate with 10 businesses. All our shops continue to strive to provide professionals in the biosciences with individual, all-inclusive service.
Thank you for joining us in supporting skilled Finnish service!